Catalogue des services numériques

I am a


Communication icone

All the UPHF in one place

Be present even from a distance

The university youtube

Video as if you were there

Target a wider audience

All your exchanges in one service

Collaboration tools

Collaboration icone

Be present even from a distance

Always finding the right moment

Unlimited document exchange

You'll find everything you need


Pédagogie icone

Be present even from a distance

The university youtube

HR & Career

RH icone


Assistance icone

Keeping the link


Icône famille poste de travail

Share without counting the cost

Software and hardware purchases

Icône Achat logiciel et matériel

Get the latest equipment

Data storage

Partage Cloud icone

Share without counting the cost

On a little cloud

Numerique recherche icone


Audiovisuel icone

The university youtube

Make your projects attractive

Safety and regulations

Sécurité législation icone

For simplified compliance

Digital identity

Identité numérique icone

Easily manage your account

Expertise and training

Personne devant un tableau


Service web

Your customized websites