Digital Responsibility

The implementation of responsible digital is a strong focus of the establishment.
The UPHF and the INSA HdF take sustainable development issues to heart and are fully aware of their social responsibility.

Sustainable development

The aim of the DNum is to minimize its environmental impact at all costs when purchasing equipment (telephony, computers, hosting, copiers...) and to encourage the sharing and pooling of equipment. With this in mind, we have set up a virtualization of the workstation (or VDI, for Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) project in 2021 and a virtualization of the server infrastructure since 2013, thus saving energy and fluids (for cooling systems).

The study of machine depreciation periods has also led us to favor equipment for re-use or with a high reparability index (for example: the Fairphone).
Our fleet management is focused on facilitating mobility (telecommuting), all the while proposing adapted hardware.

Social responsibility

On the other hand, we also want to enable everyone to make the best use of the tools and content we make available to users. For example, the UPHF has amphitheaters equipped with loops for the hearing impaired and telepresence robots.
The DNum also has a digital accessibility manager in Sébastien Bruno, who ensures that our sites and publications are usable, whatever the disability, mild or more pronounced.