Zimbra - Messaging and Calendar

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Zimbra - Messaging and Calendar

All your exchanges in one service

Zimbra is the messaging system at UPHF, accessible to everyone, whether you're a student, teacher, researcher or administrative staff.
It also serves as a diary, featuring a calendar and a task system to keep you organized.

You can:

  • Send and receive messages to UPHF members or outsiders
  • Organize your messages using tags and filters
  • Create a directory of your contacts or use the built-in UPHF directory to find the e-mail addresses of university members.
  • Note events in your calendar and receive reminders so you don't forget your important meetings
  • Transform your important emails into tasks to easily find your way back to your assignments
  • Access Rocket.Chat, so you can centralize your discussions

To find out which tool to use, feel free to consult our comparison of data sharing tools