POD - Video broadcasts

POD - Video broadcasts
The university youtube
Pod is UPHF's video document management and distribution service.
This tool is accessible to all UPHF members to distribute their course resources or videos produced as part of training courses.
Thanks to Pod, you can:
- Drop and index videos
- Add chapters
- Add subtitles
- Add additional documents
- Add overlays
- View 360° videos
Videos can be playable by anyone, restricted to UPHF members or password-protected.
Pod thus offers video resources for the general public as well as for UPHF students and staff, with an educational or scientific communication focus (colloquia, conferences...).
Use cases
You want to enhance the value of an experience, a situation during an internship or in your student life by making a video and associated documents available.
You want to complement face-to-face teaching, hybridize or make it totally remote and innovate in your teaching practice: deposit your video capsules on Pod.