Digital Strategy

The digital strategy of the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France (UPHF) is consistent with its Establishment Contract and national guidelines.

Thus, digital is at the heart of the Établissement Public Expérimental's (EPE) creation and development strategy.

This project emphasizes the implementation of a policy to support digital transformations affecting the entire university community:
administrative and technical staff, teachers, researchers, students, whatever their structure (components and component establishments, management teams, central services, laboratories), not forgetting external partners, ....

They concern our professional practices as much as our work tools, our scientific production logics as much as the massive exploitation of data, our learning modalities (all the time, everywhere and for everyone) as much as our ways of teaching, our physical and virtual workspaces.

This digital transformation is built around the following priorities:

  • Accompany new active and contributive teaching practices by taking advantage of digital
  • Providing services tailored to the needs of research
  • Pursuing the dematerialization of administrative processes
  • Take into account regulatory and technological developments

All the actions undertaken are part of a societal responsibility approach.

To support this digital transformation and respond to strategic priorities, five major axes have been defined.
These 5 axes structure the actions and projects to be developed.

The above strategic axes are steered by Digital Governance and Pedagogical Innovation.

It is responsible for defining processes, guaranteeing the sustainability of actions, managing risks and allocating the necessary resources for their implementation.

This digital governance is organized around:

  • Vice-President Digital and Pedagogical Innovation, who steers the digital strategy and ensures project ownership
  • Director of Digital, who participates in strategic thinking and manages the project
  • Digital Department, responsible for project management
  • University Pedagogy Service, accompanies the transformation of pedagogical practices

Digital governance carries out its actions in compliance with national policies on Security of Information Systems and Data protection.

Photo by Mourad ABED

Mourad ABED - Vice-President, Digital Content and Pedagogical Innovation

University Professor of Computer Engineering

Founder of ICALT (International Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport). He has led research projects for major companies (Peugeot, CENA, EuroCopter, SNCF...) and National and European projects (ANR, PREDIT, Tempus, Erasmus+...).

He is author or co-author of books, articles and papers in industry-related specialized international journals and conferences in his fields of interest, namely intelligent interactive and decision support systems, information retrieval and logistics systems.

Fareneau Florent

Florent Fareneau - Chief Digital Officer

With a solid IT background, Florent Fareneau has developed his digital and information systems expertise in the various activities and functions that have been entrusted to him.

Florent Fareneau was head of the team in charge of the establishment's hosting infrastructure, then deputy director delegated to the information system. He will succeed Mr. Alain Mayeur as Digital Director in January 2020.


The Digital Director's mission is to contribute to the definition of the Information System and Digital strategy of the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France establishment, and to manage its implementation.

As such, it provides users with tools and support in their use of the information and digital system, and plays an advisory, assistance, information and alert role in its development. He/she is the guarantor of the system's integrity and coherence within the establishment as a whole.

Within this framework, he accompanies and coordinates the resources required for the success of digital projects and directs the agents responsible for the smooth operation, maintenance and deployment of all digital services.