Past events

What is it all about?

[NEW] IA - Create questions with ChatGPT 3.5

1 hour / 1 tool

Generative AI can assist us in a variety of activities. Come and discover how AI can facilitate the elaboration of questions in the creation of MCQs, while maintaining a critical mind.

Assessing and training with Moodle MCQs


Discover Moodle's quiz tool. In particular, it offers you the possibility of proposing self-assessment sequences to students, or assessing them (summative assessment).

Café numérique #5

Digital Café
The Digital Department is organizing its fifth Café Numérique at BU Mont Houy. Come and chat with us over a snack.

Using Moodle's forum tool

During this training course, you'll learn how to choose the right type of forum for the intended use, how to communicate information and create a dynamic with your students, and finally how to evaluate your actions.

Assessing student learning


What place do assessments have in our teaching?
How can we assess learning fairly?