Past events

What is it all about?

A successful first quarter: the course syllabus


Brauer (2011) says that you need to prepare 250% of the first session of your course, and 90% of subsequent sessions...
Yes, but how do you build a syllabus and for what purpose?

Support student motivation


Motivation is an essential driving force for learning.
What can be done to encourage students to become more involved and committed?

Managing groups on Moodle - 2nd session

1 hour / 1 tool

Differentiate access to content and simplify student management by creating user groups: familiarize yourself with this method and discover all the possible uses.

Managing groups on Moodle - 1st session

1 hour / 1 tool

Differentiate access to content and simplify student management by creating user groups: familiarize yourself with this method and discover all the possible uses.

Getting started with Moodle - Face-to-face


This pedagogical platform provides teachers and students with a common space for content distribution and student activity, offering rich and varied functionalities.