Past events

What is it all about?

Wooclap - Intermediate


Thanks to this interactive voting system, create questionnaires, surveys, matching exercises, to animate course sessions (face-to-face or remote) by questioning students live to find out their opin

Wooclap - Beginner


Thanks to this interactive voting system, create questionnaires, surveys, matching exercises, to animate course sessions (face-to-face or remote) by questioning students live to find out their opin

Using Moodle's forum tool

1 hour / 1 tool

During this training course, you will see how to choose a type of forum according to its intended use, communicate information and create a dynamic with your students, and finally evaluate your act

Café Numérique #4

Digital Café
The Digital Department is organizing its fourth Café Numérique at BU Mont Houy. Come and chat with us over a snack.

Script your lessons for greater clarity and coherence


Examine "pedagogical scripting" as a methodological approach that promotes the coherence of a teaching device: become aware of its interest, identify the different levels of scripting and create a