Between skills and soft skills: recognition through Open Badges at university

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16 Nov à 09:00 - 16 Nov à 17:00

Salle 114 du bâtiment Matisse (Mont-Houy)

Logos Open badges


An Open Badge is a digital device that takes the visual form of an image and contains a certain amount of metadata.
The metadata can be used to identify the recipient of the badge, as well as certain information (skills, know-how, interpersonal skills, role, etc.) and the proof thereof.

The strength of these badges is that they enable the recognition of informal skills or commitments, in a system based on endorsement by peers or structures, i.e. recognition by relevant and recognized third parties.

Provisional program:

9am to 9:30am - welcome coffee

9:30 am to 9:45 am - Welcoming remarks by:

  • Dorothée Callens-Debavelaere, Vice-President in charge of student success and student life
  • Franck Barbier, Vice-Chairman of the Training and University Life Committee

9:45 am to 10:45 am - Badgeons les Hauts-de-France participative intervention:

  • Sandra VILLAIN

10:45 a.m. to 11 a.m. - Coffee break

11am to 12:30pm - Feedback in the form of questions and answers, led by Sandra VILLAIN and Chris DELEPIERRE, with:

  • Bertrand BRIDIER, Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility Department
  • Maximilien DISTINGUIN, Cultural Service
  • Felix LESAGE, Bureau d'Aide à l'Insertion Professionnelle
  • Mohamed OUSSEDRATE, Sports Department
  • Damien TRENTESAUX, teacher-researcher

2pm to 5pm - Badge design workshop

Design your own badge and create your badge bag.

"What questions do you have about OpenBadges? ".
To help us best prepare these speeches, please take 1 or 2 minutes to answer just one of these questions, before 13/11, via the following link:

You can send us your questions and/or show your interest in questions already proposed by others.



Please note, registration is required