Exchanging teaching practices - Having students evaluate their lessons

Drawing of a light bulb on a multitude of small drawings
23 Feb à 13:00 - 23 Feb à 14:00

Mont-Houy - s. 114 Bât Matisse

The ICTE unit (DNum) and PERSAE'Val invite you to a meeting!

Come and exchange ideas between teachers on: "Getting my students to evaluate my teaching: from why to how"

As part of the quality approach made mandatory in the university context, institutional questionnaires ask students about their teaching. Conducted centrally by the university, this evaluation process questions students at module level, regardless of the number of contributors, on the basis of standard questionnaires.
At the same time, lecturers can set up an individual approach. Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) then provides information on the student's learning experience, thus entering into a process of continuous improvement of a pedagogical service (Berthiaume, D., et al., 2011).

The EEE can thus be questioned from different angles:

  • Why question the students? What will I learn from them?
  • What should I get their opinions on?
  • How to set up an EEE?
  • And at what pace?
  • ...

We invite you to come and share your experience, express your questions, give your ideas, explain your needs, expectations or simply discover the field, over a coffee for a convivial moment during an exchange of experiences.