Digital teacher training

Logo Digital training for students
Digital use

Full name: Digital training for teachers and teacher-researchers
Short name: Digital training for teachers
Start date: April 2021
End date: December 2023

Logo Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation


Stemming from a call for projects launched by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the Training teachers in digital skills project aims to support teachers in changing their practices and mastering digital tools and platforms, by improving the relevance of the support already in place.

    The role of digital technology

    The project is being implemented entirely by DNum.

    Its implementation is planned on 3 axes:

    • Incite to the use of digital and the implementation of devices using digital by emphasizing communication to remove the brakes (testimonials from colleagues, perspectives ...)
    • Train teachers by proposing new workshops, more diversified in the subjects covered and in their forms.
      It's also an opportunity to be consistent with the SAMI project, in particular the DIU - Hybridizing your teaching and interaction "spheres".
    • More value for teacher practices (annual or biannual meetings , Open Badges...)