Open Badges

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Educational innovation

Full name: Open Badges
Start date: December 2018


The Open Badges project, which came into being following the implementation of the Prélude project in 2018, aims to have individuals' skills and aspirations recognized.
The idea is to award a gratification, represented by a badge, at each stage of skill mastery.
Originally, it was the Service des sports that launched the implementation of Open badges at UPHF, creating the Étudiant Sportif de Haut Niveau badge.
The company then followed its course and multiple new badges appeared such as:

  • The polytechnic and opening modules:Boosting your professional image on social networks, Environmental footprint and eco-design and Managing a project
  • The climate mural by the DDRS cluster

Last September, the Cap Campus badge, intended for new students and handed out at induction days, was thus born.
The establishment of the project at the'UPHF made it possible to promote the Open Badges approach to the alliance of European universities EUNICE (European UNIversity for Customised Education) and so create the badges:

  • Open-Badge Workshop (first workshop)
  • I Support Eunice (je soutiens EUNICE)
  • General Assembly(participating in the general assembly)

Various open badge projects are also underway:

  • PSC1 (Prévention et Secours Civiques de niveau 1)
  • Water rescue
  • SST (Sauveteur Secouriste du Travail)

These future badges are necessary for STAPS students to validate the CAPES, but their creation is also an opportunity to open up the process to staff members.

7 open badges created by UPHF
Overview of the different badges created by UPHF

The role of digital technology

The DNum is in charge of a number of missions to ensure the smooth operation of Open Badges.

  • Platform administration: creation, validation and issuing of badges
  • Badge design support
  • Future creation of a UPHF page on the website
  • Customization of PDF certificates and issue emails

Contact :

Jean-Francois Haye :