Tutor Welcome 2.0

Tutor Welcome 2.0

On September 4, DNUM's TICE (Technologie de l'Information & de la Communication pour l'Enseignement) unit welcomed new tutors from 5 Accès Santé courses (Management, Law, STAPS, L3P, Life Sciences). Far from the formal context of the usual exchanges, it was around bowling lanes that the tutors and the supervisory team got together.

" It was important for us to get off campus to facilitate our exchanges, explains Hélène Diakese, Pedagogical Engineer & Project Manager CORPUS. We immediately wanted to work on cohesion and cooperation between us. "

This year, 15 tutors were selected by the Pedagogical Managers to help new students succeed in their university careers. "This year, the tutor is a student capable of helping other students, explains Hélène.The fact that it's a question of students helping each other makes it easier to accept advice and tutoring, rather necessary for 1st year students who are experiencing a real transition between the high school they left and the university they are joining."

Not only is the DNUM involved for the first time in supporting training components towards tutoring, but the novelty this year also lies in the audience trained by the tutors of these training courses: students. Beyond giving these students a warm welcome, the aim for the department was to turn them into "supersupervisors": "they underwent 6 hours of training in which we explained a number of teaching tools and methods to help them in their new role, adds Hélène. In addition to teaching them how to create their own teaching resources, in particular with Wooclap, we taught them how to recognize a drop in student motivation in order to overcome it"and how to provide support in university work methodology.

Through this scheme, the stakes are simple: recognize tutors as a genuine human asset to student success