Réducteur de liens - Link reducer

Hand on mouse next to web address and QR Code
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Réducteur de liens - Link reducer

Share with ease

This tool offers several possibilities, allowing you to:

  • Shorten URLs that may be too long to be easily transmitted and manipulated.
    Indeed, some sites, for example many social networks, limit the number of characters you can enter in your posts.
    Your shares also gain in reliability, as long, complex URLs don't necessarily inspire great trust.
  • Create QR Codes.
    The advantage of this link format is that it can be read, even when affixed to paper media.
    Your users will be able to access additional content simply by scanning the image with any smartphone.
  • Know the audience for your content.
    The software allows you to view the number of clicks made on your links and QR Codes.


You have produced posters, leaflets or paper folders and you want to be able to refer your interlocutors to web content without making them rewrite a link.