Loan of audio-video equipment

Two cameras
Logo Prêt de matériels audio-vidéo

Loan of audio-video equipment

Audiovisual at your disposal

The Direction du Numérique has a Centre de Ressources Audios Visuelles & Numériques where you can borrow equipment for a fixed period.
From video projectors to cameras and dictaphone, our team will advise you and prepare you to use the equipment available on loan.

You need:

  • Audio, video or digital equipment for the duration of an event
  • Conduct a radio interview (/podcast type)
  • Photographing or filming a subject

To find out more about borrowing, contact Clélia Boulanger:


You want to create and preserve audiovisual content to justify an exercise you were asked to do in class.

You are involved in a video call and want to exchange easily and distinctly thanks to semi-professional equipment.

You want to create a sound or visual ambience in a defined space.