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Information system

Short name: SINAPS
Start date: October 2020


Developed by the AMUE (Agence de mutualisation des universités et établissements d'enseignement supérieur) and deployed at UPHF in 2020, SINAPS is a repository tool for the institution's structures.
It manages both internal structures (such as training components, for example) and external structures (structures with which the university is linked, students' home institution...). It manages both internal structures (such as training components, for example) and external structures (structures with which the university is linked, students' home institutions, etc.).
. Its aim is to interface with all applications, and to define itself as the single repository for centralizing all business applications.
It will therefore position itself as a "one-stop shop" for all business applications. It will therefore position itself as a bridge in the middle of all the other tools, so as to homogenize data and avoid the creation of duplicates linked to re-entry between the various other applications.


Detailed benefits


Simplifying agents' work

+ Avoid double entries thanks to repositories
. + Improve data quality
+ Promote collaboration


Make upgrades easier

+ Facilitate data sharing and enable model scalability
. + Facilitate the rapid evolution of the establishment
+ Encourage collaboration with new partners


Improving the operation of cross-functional processes and treatments

Reduce manual intervention and automate processes

Risk management

Assuring the establishment the minimum level of risk

+ Guarantee regulatory compliance and associated legal constraints (CNIL, RGS, RGI...)
+ Strengthen control and audit capability


Providing relevant dashboards

+ Ensure the reliability of master data on decision-making dimensions
. + Contribute to the development of indicators and dashboards based on reliable data

IS agility

Simplify the implementation of new solutions or architectures

+ Reduce data recovery times
. + Standardize data and services
+ Facilitate integration

In the future

More and more applications are and will be concerned by the possibilities highlighted by SINAPS.
Upcoming developments will, for example, simplify missionary management in conjunction with SIFAC and Démat'OM.