
  • Arrival of Nextcloud "Hub 3

    Stylized virtual cloud
    Version 25 of Nextcloud, known as Hub 3, has been deployed on the University's servers. This new version comes with a number of new features..
  • Opening of H2ES DIU 2023-2024

    Laptop screen with 3d icons
    The UPHF and the Institut Catholique de Lille present the opening of the DIU H2ES Hybrider ses enseignements dans l'enseignement supérieur..
  • Pod update 3.2

    Camera placed next to a laptop
    Pod version 3.2 has just been released, bringing a host of improvements and new possibilities..
  • Eunice Open Badges

    Photo of the lake in front of the university of Vaasa
    The Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France presented the first EUNICE Open Badges at the alliance's General Assembly in Vaasa..
  • AIPU Study Days

    View of the quays of Perpignan
    On March 30 and 31, 2023, a study day will be held in Perpignan by AIPU France (International Association for University Pedagogy), to which the UPHF belongs…
  • Ludinord Pro 2023

    Multiple color chips on a geometric design
    LudiNord, the largest gaming festival north of Paris, is offering the first edition of its LudiNord Pro...
  • El@n

    logo El@n Language Teaching 2.0
    The UPHF hosted, within the framework of the Erasmus + El@n project, a delegation of about fifteen Moroccan teachers, during two full weeks, in October 2022..