
A delegation from the El@n project visits UPHF

EL@N Language Teaching 2.0 Logo

The UPHF hosted, as part of the Erasmus + El@n project, a delegation of about 15 Moroccan teachers, for 2 full weeks, in October 2022.

As part of this El@n project, the UPHF is in charge of training teachers of FLE (French as a Foreign Language) in the implementation of distance learning courses.

This action was conducted in 2 phases:

  • February 2021, remote (synchronous and asynchronous), 50 hours of learner work to raise awareness of the specifics of distance learning and the design steps, understand the principles of scripting, mediate content, and evaluate at a distance.
  • The October 2022 session (totally face-to-face) allowed for the practical application of distance learning design in the context of the project's targeted teachings.

In addition to a reminder of the elements already discussed, this meeting allowed to go further on the mediatization (including video production) and to address the issue of tutoring and remote presence.

These two weeks were rich in exchange and allowed the production of the training modules to move forward efficiently.

Learn more about the project

Reporting on these two weeks
Co-funded by the European Union's Erasmus+ program