Illustration des ressources présentés par la DNum


Here is a selection of resources

You may find them useful in your professional life or during your training...

Resource type
  • Education
Sill logo

The Inter-ministerial free software foundation (SILL) is the reference catalog of free software recommended by the State for the entire administration.
It is built in a collaborative way by a community of public agents, the "SILL referents". These public agents can be agents of the three public functions: state, hospital and territorial.

  • Data
Logo is the open, community-based platform that aims to centralize and structure open data in France. It promotes transparency and efficiency of public action while facilitating the creation of new services.

  • Security
Logo Cybermurder's missions are to assist individuals, companies, associations, communities and administrations that are victims of cyber-malware, to inform them about digital threats and the means to protect themselves.

  • Sustainable responsibility
EcoInfo logo

The Service grouping (GDS) EcoInfo brings together engineers and researchers from the research and higher education sectors in France around a common goal: acting to reduce the (negative) environmental and societal impacts of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

  • Sustainable responsibility
Green IT Day logo

The GREEN IT Day: the day dedicated to responsible and sustainable digital.

  • Sustainable responsibility
INR logo

The INR, is a Think and Do Tank created in 2018 that emanates from the evolution of the Club Green IT, into a non-profit association under the law of 1901. The objective being to open our approach to as many people as possible and on broader themes than the environmental impact of digital, the Club Green IT has become the Institute of responsible digital (INR).

  • Sustainable responsibility
Digital Responsible Logo

Faced with the climate emergency and the consequent environmental footprint of digital technology, and the imperative to rethink digital technology so that it carries more inclusive and ethical values for the women and men of our society, the INR and its partners are proposing a MOOC on sustainable IT technology to enable everyone to learn and train.

  • Education
UOH logo

The Open university of the humanities (UOH) is a grouping of higher education institutions pooling their thoughts, practices and content.
It provides educational resources in the fields of Arts, Letters, Languages and Humanities and Social Sciences.