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Digital use

Short name: CoRPUS
Acronym: Communauté apprenante pour la Réussite de son Parcours Universitaire en Santé
(Learning community for the success of one's university health pathway). Start date: End of 2021
End date: August 2023

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As part of the implementation of health reform (R1C), the Université de Lille, the Institut Catholique de Lille and the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France are keen to promote access to health studies for a diverse student body, guaranteeing success for everyone.

CoRPUS (Communauté apprenante pour la Réussite de son Parcours Universitaire en Santé ) defines itself as the platform that aims to support students in their university health pathway.
Its objective? Connecting tutors from the 3 establishments, pooling the resources of each university and developing tutoring.

On this platform:

  • The student tutors can deposit, exchange and mutualize their resources within a common space, in order to then distribute them within their own establishment.
  • The tutored students can find tutoring-related resources and ask tutors questions.

As part of the healthcare reform, UPHF offers various LAS (Licence Accès Santé).
These are licenses composed of a disciplinary major (for example: Law) and a Health minor.
The UPHF provides the major courses, and students follow the Université de Lille's courses for the health minor.
The aim of the CoRPUS project is to improve student success through tutoring, via the Maison des tuteurs.

The role of digital technology

The DNum is supporting the project in two respects:

  • Taking charge of setting up the digital device,
  • Coaching students and teachers in the use of hybrid teaching devices.