Come and talk to other teachers about : "Using Matlab with my students from Moodle"

Mont-Houy, bâtiment MATISSE, Salle 114
Personnel UPHF (enseignants + BIATS)
The ICTE unit (DNum) and PERSAE'Val are offering you a new way to meet!
Come and exchange ideas between teachers on : "From Moodle, using Matlab with my students"
MATLAB is a numerical computing and programming platform used to analyze data, develop algorithms and create models.
Accessible remotely at UPHF, it is available as part of student assignments and can be integrated into a Moodle course space.
Sébastien DELPRAT (University Professor and researcher at LAMIH), will present his experience of using Matlab with his students, around questions such as:
- What are the uses of Matlab with students?
- Why and how to use it in a Moodle space?
- ...
We invite you to come and share your experience, express your questions, give your ideas, spell out your needs, expectations or simply discover the field, over a coffee for a convivial moment during an exchange of experiences.