Full name: AAP NCU 2018
Short name: Prélude
Acronym: Parcours Réussite en Licence Universitaire à Développement Expérientiel
Start date: September 2018
End date: September 2028

The faculties of the Université Catholique de Lille and the UPHF have been conducting a joint reflection since 2018 to transform their training offer with a view to setting up genuine pathways to success integrating transdisciplinarity and a skills-based approach.
In this context and to support the implementation of this strategy, the Université Catholique de Lille and UPHF have responded to the call for projects Nouveau Cursus à l'Université from the ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) and have been selected for their PRéLUDE project (PIA3 NCU - ANR-18-NCUN-0019). The aim is to transform the range of Bachelor's level training courses into blocks of knowledge and skills.
The introduction of the competency-based approach articulated with the innovative ecosystems of the faculties of the Université Catholique de Lille, the socio-economic world and its multidisciplinary environment, are fertile ground for the emergence of interdisciplinary training responding to emerging needs and the identification of new professions.
The role of digital technology
Our involvement is visible on several axes:
- Accompanying teams in the pedagogical engineering of pathways: deployment of the APC (Approche Par Compétences) methodology on polytechnic modules and disciplinary licenses according to a "preludisation" process (adaptation to Prélude) for the definition of competency development trajectories and for the creation of learning boxes (knowledge box and maker box) and certificative boxes (assessment of competencies in authentic situations)
- Implementation of the Licence Pluridisciplinaire Projet Personnel (L3P)
- Support for the deployment of e-portfolio solutions
- Development of the learning anylitics component within the I-Parcours
- tool.
- Substantial SI dimension: integration of all these axes into Pégase