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Information system

Short name: Pégase
Acronym: Produit des Établissements pour la Gestion, l'Accompagnement et le Service aux Études
Start date: July 2022


Pégase is the training and student life management information system, successor to Apogée.
. It is designed for all ESR (Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche) establishments, but is also aimed at establishments not under its supervision.
Its creation follows a national consensus in 2012 on the need for a single product for student management.
The implementation of a single software package for everyone thus makes it possible to pool information and limit costs by pooling forces around a single structure.
Pégase was thus conceived and developed from scratch: a service created entirely in response to a problem.

The role of digital technology

The DNum focuses on 3 main areas:

  • Integration work into the school's information system so that the software can communicate easily and effectively with other services (Parcoursup, SINAPS)
  • Data management, implementation of solutions to exploit data and produce indicators.
  • Assistance, support to leverage the tool to cover the student lifecycle: enrolling, instructing, graduating.