Logo El@n Language Teaching 2.0
Digital use

Full name: Modernization of Language Teaching in the Language Centers of Algerian Universities
Short name: El@n
Start date: November 2019
End date: November 2023

Logo Co-funded by the European Union's Erasmus+ program


The El@n (Enseignements des langues en Algérie) project aims to modernize languages in the language centers of Algerian universities.
It brings together 6 language centers (CEILs) from Algerian universities: Tlemcen, Biskra, Bejaia, Guelma, Ouargla, and Oran and 4 European universities: Sapienza of Rome, UPHF, Santiago de Compostela and Istanbul University.
The aim is to enhance the skills of CEILs staff at all levels (teaching, technical and administrative), but also to develop learners' linguistic and intercultural skills, in particular by offering training courses to the various target audiences.

The role of digital technology

The UPHF hosted, as part of the Erasmus + El@n project, a delegation of some fifteen Algerian teachers, for 2 full weeks, in October 2022.

As part of this El@n project, UPHF is in charge of training FLE (French as a Foreign Language) teachers to set up distance learning courses.

This project was carried out in 2 phases:

  • February 2021, distance learning (synchronous and asynchronous), 50 hours of learner work to make participants aware of the specifics of distance learning and the design stages, understand the principles of scripting, mediatize content and evaluate at a distance.
  • The October 2022 session (totally face-to-face) provided an opportunity to put into practice the design of a distance learning course in the context of the teaching targeted by the project.

In addition to a reminder of the elements already addressed, this meeting enabled us to go further on the mediatization (in particular video production) and to address the question of tutoring and remote presence.

These two weeks were rich in exchanges and enabled us to make effective progress on the production of the training modules.

Report on these two weeks