MoodleMoot 2023

Exterior photo of UTT Troyes
The UPHF was present at the 18th French edition of Moodlemoot 2023, held at the Université de Technologie de Troyes..


Facade of Place Saint-Anne in Rennes
This second edition of the Egalisup symposium continues the collaborative analysis of equal opportunity and success in higher education..

Viva Technology

VIVA sculpture at Viva Tech
DNum attended Europe's biggest startup and tech event, Viva Technology...

Pod update 3.3

Camera placed next to a laptop
Pod upgrades to version 3.3 and adds the ability to import videos from different urls…

Café Numérique

The first Café Numérique (Digital café) was held on June 20, 2023 in the hall of the Mont Houy BU…

Arrival of Nextcloud "Hub 3

Stylized virtual cloud
Version 25 of Nextcloud, known as Hub 3, has been deployed on the University's servers. This new version comes with a number of new features..