La Minute Numérique #6 - Password management

La Minute Numérique #6 - Password management

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The Direction du Numérique presents the sixth episode of La Minute Numérique, your weekly video appointment to discover the tools and services offered by UPHF.

On the occasion of Cyber Month, October's episodes will focus on good practices to ensure digital security for everyone at UPHF.
A poster campaign linked to these good practices will also be distributed within the university.

This episode focuses on password management and will explain the best practices to adopt in order to have secure and effective passwords.

For all the latest information on phishing campaigns, as well as news on digital and educational innovation at UPHF, don't hesitate to join the #Numerique_et_IP channel.

You can find all the episodes as well as upcoming ones on La Minute Numérique's Pod channel.

For more information, contact