Support for digital educational projects

Support for digital educational projects
The digital world will hold no secrets for you
You want to create engaging digital content for your students?
You want to diversify your teaching methods in hybrid devices?
You aim to make your courses more attractive, creative and innovative?
You're brimming with ideas and have projects in this direction?
The Direction du Numérique brings its skills and expertise to teams of teachers/researchers who want to develop digital devices as part of the transformation of their teaching practice.
The management of support requests is entrusted to the Sous-Direction des Usages du Numérique et de l'Innovation Pédagogique (SDUNIP) in conjunction with the Service Universitaire de Pédagogie (SUP)
Use cases
The implementation of hybrid or completely distance learning is an approach that is still unusual in our environments, and requires taking a different approach to the project compared to face-to-face training.
DNum will support you in defining your project and offer to consider all the elements to be taken into account for its implementation, for an effective, high-quality deployment.
Some examples of application areas ranging from the macro to the micro level:
- defining target skills,
- training engineering (implementation of training at organizational level),
- pedagogical engineering (design of the teaching device, teaching scenarios, assessments...),
- creation of online content and activities,
- use of tools best suited to needs...
Changing your teaching practices doesn't just mean integrating digital technology. Above all, it's about thinking differently about why you're offering a particular activity, resource... what's the purpose and how students are going to get to grips with it.
This approach encompasses a multitude of possibilities:
- the Approche Par Compétences (APC), as a means of giving a common thread, an objective to the approach
- Scripting, to enable each resource, each activity, to be questioned in the light of the objective pursued and the teaching method implemented
- The implementation of flipped or inverted classes, hybrid teaching, more or less distanciel, Project-based Approach (APP)
- ...
The Prélude project, as well as the creation of opening modules and polytechnic modules, are an opportunity to implement these reflections, which are not, however, limited to these cases.
DNum can help you think through these approaches:
- defining the objectives and specific features of your project,
- reflection on the pedagogical approach,
- orientation towards relevant tools.
As part of your courses, and in order to positively engage your students, you regularly provide them with educational resources soliciting learning activities of various levels, ranging from information retention to the creation of individual and/or group projects.
Mediatization, interaction, interactivity, immersiveness... so many diverse forms of educational content production that will bring your students into new learning experiences.
Activities and resources that can be integrated into the Moodle environment will enable you to augment, modify or even redefine your pedagogical scenarios.
DNum offers to support you in enriching and mediatizing your resources:
- creation of video resources,
- creation of infographic elements,
- subtitling,
- interactive content,
- immersive content...
And also diversify your students' activities:
- peer assessment,
- quiz and test design,
- voting and polling,
- game-based activities...
Interactions with students imply exchanges between the various parties. The latter actively engaging in exchanges, discussions, collaborative activities...
Interactions promote:
- the learner's engagement in his or her training and the maintenance of his or her attention,
- reflection,
- understanding concepts,
- problem identification (understanding, points to be clarified) and remediation,
- adapting pace and content.
In a face-to-face setting, these exchanges take place more naturally than at a distance however in both cases it's important to understand how we interact and why.
Whether remote or hybrid, it's fundamental to think about the tools (technical or otherwise) to be put in place depending on what is being targeted:
- a videoconferencing system, combined with forum, survey and group work tools,
- collaborative tools (e.g., a video conferencing system)
- collaborative tools (forum, shared word processing, ...),
- peer evaluation,
- testing (to spot comprehension problems and provide feedback),
- survey or questionnaire...
DNum supports you in:
- defining your interaction objectives in relation to your needs,
- choosing and implementing the most appropriate tools,
- getting to grips with these tools.
Analysis of your teaching practice is crucial to the ongoing development of your teaching.
It will enable you to evaluate your teaching strategies and methods used, to adapt your content to the specific needs of your students.
By examining your own practices, you'll be able to discover new approaches, encourage innovation and strengthen your students' commitment.
This analysis can also foster your professional development by enabling you to explore the latest research and trends in teaching and learning: a continuous improvement in your pedagogical skills.
DNum can help you reflect on these approaches:
- device evaluation (surveys, ...) as part of a continuous improvement approach,
- SoTL approach,
- conferences and symposia hosting pedagogical publications,
- content recommendation (journals, articles, sitography, ...).
"Un DIU pour former à l'hybridization des formations... entre hybridization et approche par compétences: analyse des retours d'évaluation." Vanessa MARESCOT, Laboratoire de Recherche Sociétés & Humanités - Céline FAURE Et Roselyne DELVALEE, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, Carole BLARINGHEM, Université Catholique de Lille.
Whether it's the time you devote to checking the prerequisites for your teaching, the adaptations you make in light of your students' progress or the validation of skills and learning acquisition... the assessment methods remain multiple and can be indexed to the different forms of your teaching.
Whether synchronous, asynchronous, face-to-face or distance learning, your teaching is necessarily based on an alignment between your learning objectives, your pedagogical activities and your assessment strategies.
With proposals for new environments for recognizing validated skills and tools for monitoring learning progress, DNum offers to support you in new ways of assessing your students:
- skills repository and learning indexing,
- the portfolio,
- open badges,
- peer assessment,
- large group assessment.