Wi-Fi wireless network

The Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France provides its users with wireless access areas (Wifi) on all of the establishment's campuses.

More than 400 access points, spread across the Mont Houy, Tertiales, Arenberg, Cambrai and Maubeuge campuses, enable students, staff, teachers/researchers and also external users to UPHF to connect to the university's secure network.

Check out the use cases below to find out which network to use depending on your profile.


Access to the network is intended for strictly professional, educational, research and cultural use, by connecting the user agrees to respect the internal regulations of the information systems including compliance with the Renater charter.

Use cases

You need to connect to the eduroam network.
The identifiers correspond to those on your ENT:

  • your login@uphf.fr
  • your password

If you encounter any problems, please feel free to consult the documentation on eduroam.

You need to connect to the personal network.
The identifiers correspond to those on your ENT:

  • your login@uphf.fr
  • your password

If you encounter any problems, please feel free to consult the documentation on personnel.

Check that your home school has joined Eduroam and implemented the prerequisites by visiting the eduroam global members page.

You will then use the login details of your home institution

Check that the school you're visiting has joined Eduroam and implemented the prerequisites by visiting the eduroam global members page.

You will then use your UPHF credentials.

Your host, the staff of the establishment welcoming you, can approach DNum to request the creation of a guest account via a Helpdesk, or by calling 1130.