Educational innovation
Information system

Full name: AMI DemoES PEIA
Short name: PEIA
Acronym: Plateforme d'Expériences Immersives Apprenantes
Start date: October 2021
End date: October 2025

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PEIA (Platform for Immersive Learning Experiences) is the logical continuation of SAMI.
This project, in collaboration with the ICL, aims to deploy immersive pedagogy within a persistent world enabling learning activities to be gamified, and comprises 5 dimensions:

  • An environment of editorial tools for gamified immersive educational content: La Fabrique
  • A portal and catalog referencing productions of content and proofs of concept for labeled immersive concepts: L'Entrepôt
  • Persistent worlds, new places for immersive educational experiences and activities: Play Room and Learning Room
  • An I-LMS (Immersive Learning Management System) supporting the activities of La Fabrique, L'Entrepôt and persistent worlds
  • An innovation gas pedal in immersive pedagogy with the creation of a multi-site R&D team: MEET, enabling the study and technological transfer of uses for immersive pedagogies (digital twin and persistent worlds)